iPhone XR vs. iPhone XS: an iPhone Comparison

Trying to decide between the new iPhone XR and the iPhone XS? Both have a lot of the same features, but there are some important differences. So which one is right for you? Let’s do a little iPhone comparison to see.

The Basics

First, some basic information about the two phones:

iPhone XR:

  • Screen Size: 6.1”
  • Height 5.94 inches (150.9 mm)
  • Width: 2.98 inches (75.7 mm)
  • Depth: 0.33 inch (8.3 mm)
  • Weight: 6.84 ounces (194 grams)
  • Starting price: $749

Carriers: Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Boost Mobile, Straight Talk, SIMPLE Mobile, Total Wireless

iPhone XS:

  • Screen Size: 5.8”
  • Height: 5.65 inches (143.6 mm)
  • Width: 2.79 inches (70.9 mm)
  • Depth: 0.30 inch (7.7 mm)
  • Weight: 6.24 ounces (177 grams)
  • Starting price: $999

Carriers: Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Boost Mobile, Straight Talk, SIMPLE Mobile

As you can see, in an iPhone comparison, the XS is slightly smaller than the XR, and there’s a considerable difference in price between the two iPhones.

Similarities between the XR and XS iPhones

In an iPhone comparison, you can see the XR and XS share many of the same features, including:

  • 7MP TrueDepth Camera
  • Face ID
  • A12 Bionic Chip with next generation Neural Engine
  • Wireless Charging
  • Super Retina HD Display
  • Face Time Audio
  • Face Time Video
  • Wi-Fi Calling

Considering all of these similarities, you may be tempted to just go with the cheaper option. However, an iPhone comparison reveals some important differences.

The iPhone XR vs. the iPhone XS

There’s a lot to think about in an iPhone comparison between the XR and the XS. Some differences include the sizes, screens,  cameras, and durability.

The XR is slightly larger than the XS and is available in a wider variety of colors. And as you can see from the list above, the XR shares many of the same features as the XS. If you prefer a larger screen, the XR is the one to go with. In addition to the low price, the XR’s other major advantage is it has the best battery life of any current iPhone – better than the more expensive XS. Those are two important things to consider when making your iPhone comparison.

So what features does the iPhone XS have that could make it worth spending the extra money? An iPhone comparison shows that the XS is a step up from the XR in a lot of areas. The XS has faster connectivity than the XR.  It has front and back wide-angle and 2x telephoto cameras.

And while the screen is smaller, it’s an OLED screen instead of the LED screen installed on the XR. This makes the screen more vibrant, with higher resolution and contrast than the XR. Another important thing to consider in an iPhone comparison is the device’s resistance to damage.  The XS has a back cover made of stainless steel, which makes it more durable than the aluminum used in the XR. The XS is more water resistant than the XR and is able to stay submerged under 2M of water rather than 1M like the XR, although both can only remain submerged for 30 minutes.

The bottom line is that an iPhone comparison between these models can be tricky. Both are great phones.

Fix Apple Now Repairs XR and XS iPhones

Fix Apple Now repairs all Apple devices: iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and Apple Watches at a fraction of the cost of a new device. Our team of highly trained and certified Apple technicians provide a wide range of services, including data recovery, logic board repairs, synchronization, LCD repairs and water damage repair.